Millennials and Your Website How to Make Your Domain a Magnet to Gen Y

Millennials are often the punchline of a bad joke. The “Me Generation” is spoiled and entitled — the list of eye-rolling insults from older adults is virtually endless. But any company, group or political party that doesn't take this generation seriously is making a monumental mistake. Millennials, no matter what you think of them, are the largest eligible voting base in many developed and developing countries and now hold more purchasing power than any other generation. For better or worse, they are the future of the economy.

Millennials (also called Gen Y) also don't shop like their Gen X and Boomer predecessors:

• Millennials are less compelled by traditional advertising (less that one percent polled said an ad makes them trust a brand more, according to Forbes)
• They spend more time reading reviews and researching products before buying
• Change in wealth won't likely affect millennial buying habits (when baby boomers retire)
• They engage with brands on social networks
• Millennials are extremely brand loyal (Apple vs. Android, for example)

Millennials and Your Website

The question isn't how millennials view your website (or any website) but if they visit your site at all. With every type of medium blasting them with information, millennials are looking for the essential details when visiting most websites today. For example, a restaurant's website needs nothing more than location, hours, menus and specials. Anything more is just noise to the average young reader.

But millennials are still heavily involved with websites that offer editorial content. Everything from Buzzfeed and Gawker to Medium and Vox see millions of page views from millennials every month. Even to a generation with a shorter attention span, good content matters.

What You Can Do

A restaurant menu isn't thrilling content, but that restaurant can produce a great food blog. Brands are connecting with potential customers through editorial content all the time. Whether it's outdoor retailer REI and its blog about national parks and great hiking or Amway and its blog about makeup and cosmetics, a blog can be a powerful tool to reach millennials. Start a blog about your industry and find contributing writers to give it life and diversity. The key is to not over-promote your own brand or make it too heavy handed. Remember that if people are reading the blog, that means they're on your site — it's a win.

Millennials are also more involved with brands on social media, and there's an opportunity to connect your website through your social media channels. Every time you or a contributing writer publishes a blog post, post the link to your social media channels. Use social media for your customer service and have a series of FAQs and tutorials on your website. The key is to stay engaged with a millennial audience on all possible channels and use your website when appropriate.

Above All, Be Genuine

If millennial consumers have a super power, it's the ability to spot a fake. Social media and editorial copy that is salesy or overdone with brand promotion will be discarded faster than MySpace. If your product and brand are good and your content is from the heart (it sounds corny but it's true), then millennials will want what you have to offer. But if your pitch is fake and forced, your website will be a wasteland to the largest purchasing generation in the country.

Bonus infographic:

The Psychology of Successfully Marketing to Millennials

Click image to enlarge.
Infographic courtesy of: USC.
Top image credit: bigstock

The State of Search Marketing 2016 [Infographic]

Google recently announced that it handles at least 2 Trillion searches a year. This equates to 5.5 Billion searches per day, 228 Million search per hours and 63,000 searches per second.

But along with increasing frequency, what other ways has the behavior of search engine users changed? And is it now easier or more difficult for brands to rank on one of the Internet's most powerful and potent publicity platforms?

Lets find out.

Infographic courtesy of JBH marketingSmart Insights and Similarweb.
Key Takeaways:

1. Last year, mobile generated more traffic than desktop search on both Google and Yahoo, with Bing also upping its share. However, SimilarWeb has found that visit duration among mobile users is actually decreasing.

Furthermore, the way in which mobile users access search information immediately while on-the-go means they spend less time browsing results, visit fewer pages and bounce more frequently than those on desktop do.

2. Several brands and businesses are determined to achieve a prominent SERP position by getting their pages to rank organically. But according to MozCast, there are a number of other ways to appear prominently on SERP, the most prevalent of which include: AdWords, Reviews and images.

3. Due to the rise in mobile search traffic and to create a more seamless experience across all devices, Google removed text ads from the right hand side of the SERPs. But what impact has it had on non-brand ad traffic? Well, MerkleInc analysis shows top-of-the-page ads are driving a higher share of clicks, whereas bottom-of-the-page ads are driving more impressions. However, CPCs have remained constant throughout.

Crazy Things Happens in One Second of the Internet - infographic

Have you ever thought, “What is the importance of one second?” Doesn’t seem that important, right? You blink your eye and poof!! It’s gone. That’s true normally, but when it comes to the World Wide Web, one second is extremely crucial as a lot of crazy data flows through it in the blink of an eye. 

If the servers of Amazon, Flipkart or any other e-commerce giant stay down even for a second, it results in a loss of hundreds of thousands of dollars. 

Don’t believe it, here is a fact that’ll blow your mind. In 2014, Amazon’s site was down for a mere 49 minutes and the company lost $4.8 million. Crazy, right? 

So, now allow us to explain you the value of a second on Internet. Here are some crazy facts that will make you look at the tiniest measure of time in a new light:

• Amazon and eBay get approximately $3400 and $680 worth of transactions within a second. Also, Amazon ships around 35 items in a second 
• 2,488,887 e-mails get sent within a second on the internet 
• 22 new WordPress posts are made 
• 1160 Tumblr posts are made 
• 54,319 Google searches are made by people across the globe in a second
• 122,373 videos are viewed on YouTube 
• 2121 Skype Calls are made 
• 23 Uber rides are booked 
• 486,111 WhatsApp messages are sent 
• 6 new Facebook profiles are created per second 
• 469,445 likes are made on Facebook per second 
• Twitterati makes about 7203 tweets per second 
• 4745 people share their dog/cat filtered snaps on snapchat in a second 
• 721 people Instagram their food in a second 
• 28,935 people like other people’s food on Instagram within a second 

This is what a second feels like on internet. Never felt like such a small amount of time can be so big in terms of data flow on the web, right? Well, the more you know the better. A second might seem like a blink of an eye, but a lot happens in a second. 

To know more about the importance of one second, check out this amazing infographic developed by Unboxing Deals below and share it with your friends. 

Is Marketing Technology Hurting More Than Helping? [Infographic]

Marketing technology is helping us do our jobs like never before. We can publish more targeted content to more specific audiences. We deliver messages during more opportune moments. And we better understand the impact of our programs.

In fact, marketing technology is helping so much that the number of solutions has grown from around 100 to over 3,800 in just five years.

But often when you solve one problem, you create a new one. Marketing technology is no exception.

Many of the digital marketing solutions we rely on demand a steady flow of fresh, high-quality content, stories and images. Because they aren’t connected to a common content source, and have unique content requirements, marketers are spending more and more of their precious time searching, formatting and distributing content to a growing number of platforms.

The situation isn’t likely to improve any time soon. The lifecycle of new marketing content keeps getting shorter all the time, so we are having to produce more content all the time.

So how did we get here and, more importantly, what do we do about it. This infographic from WebDAMtells the story.

SocialMedia Marketing Get More Likes On Facebook - infographic

To build a successful fan base on Facebook you need to attract a relevant audience and build engaging content.

This infographic, created by Razorsocial, outlines some tools you can use to help you build that presence. Of course, you’ll probably only need one or two of the tools but it’s useful to know them all.

Advertising tools:
Investing in social media ads can be extremely effective these 4 tools can give you the extra boost you need.

Image and video creation tools:
Images and videos drive more likes and shares which will help grow likes. Here are some content creation tools/mobile apps for social media marketers.

Discover more engagement apps, content discovery, management and analytic tools in this graphic.

Social Media Marketing Tips: How to Use Facebook Audience Insights to Unlock Buyer Personas [INFOGRAPHIC]

“Facebook Audience Insights can help you create a strong buyer persona using your established customer list, fans of your business, or a few simple details about your ideal customer. You can then use this data to create great products and services, improve the products and services you already offer, optimize your landing pages, tailor your content, create ad campaigns, and much more. Using buyer personas is a surefire way to help you improve customer retention and increase customer acquisition.”
The below infographic from Salesforce, takes a closer look at how businesses can use facebook to learn about their audiences and reach them more effectively.

How to Improve Your Business’s Email Marketing Efforts with Simple Design Solutions

There is a lot of chatter about using heat map analysis on websites, however there is relatively little about using it to analyze marketing emails. Many companies spend a good chunk of their marketing budget on email marketing only to be underwhelmed by the results. There is often little to none actionable data that gives insights into what went wrong with the email marketing campaign. One way to get around this problem is by using heat map software to understand what people find engaging. Using this information you can then design your emails according to that knowledge to create more effective emails. 

Easy SMTP and EyeQuant recently teamed up to analyze a number of email marketing campaigns using specialized heat map software. They took a number of different campaigns and rated them based on three different factors. The three factors were a clarity score, an excitingness score and an attention map score. Each email received a score for each of the three factors as well as feedback and pro tips on how to improve each one. The emails came from a wide variety of sources including an advertisement, a trade publication, B2B marketing, financial services, and a product description. They then turned the information from analyzing the emails into a comprehensive infographic (featured below). You can see the results here.

They also offered a series of takeaways based on what they learned from their heat map analysis. Some of the more interesting takeaways:

• Using white space is important to steer the eye toward your desired target.
• By narrowing the options available to the user, you are able to focus your message.
• Use a simple design with contrasting call to actions. 
• If you have technical content, focus on a clean display. 
• It is important to be mindful of colors and secondary elements in images. 

As you can see there is a lot of useful information that can be learned by using heat map analysis on emails. By analyzing your current email marketing campaigns, you can learn what is working and what isn’t and adjust the design of your emails accordingly.

Top 8 Digital Marketing Myths [INFOGRAPHIC]

Digital. Sounds so inviting, isn’t it? Digital Marketing and many sales people will raise their hand and ask “how does it work?” and start-up business owners saying “works like magic”, “the road to successful and cheap marketing” and critics frowning their forehead asserting that digital marketing is nothing but a click-bait method for the millennials. “False belief, when followed, is harmful.” 

This old adage has always been true. Living in a world that is full of people who practice trial-and-error in their daily business may have somehow believed in some of the notions that their ancestors have told them such as “customer is always right” or “customers only care about low prices”. Unfortunately, some business owners failed to realize that these ideas might actually cause for their business to fail. Though some myths were once true, it is the time itself that decides its validity.

Myths in business, especially in marketing have always been rampant. And digital marketing has no shortage on that. Digital marketing has indeed become a staple in today’s business world, and some experts might even argue that most of the biggest industry today would not even survive without it. Because to its promising results, many start-up businesses are considering to put the foundation of their marketing effort through the utilization of digital media such as blogs, mobile advertisements and social networking and video sharing sites such as Facebook and YouTube. It really sounds pretty easy, but it was the same reason why some people has the false belief in Digital Marketing. Though some of it were once true, a large part of those myths are just hearsays which only became part of a story.

In this infographic, created by Digitalmarketingphilippines, we will take a closer look on each myth and the corresponding truth. So, join us and let us debunk these myths and learn from the realities of Digital Marketing.

70+ useful and funny Google Now voice commands [INFOGRAPHIC]

Google Now has become a big part of the Android experience and will probably be even more prominent in future updates. For that reason, it’s about time to get familiar with all the possibilities Google Now has to offer.

Before we get into all the possible commands, you should know that you can access all your recorded ‘Okay Google” voice commands in your Google account’s audio history. While you’re playing around with new voice commands, your audio history will show the new voice snippets seconds after your phone’s Google Now gave you an answer.

How to get the Okay Google commands working

Obviously, your phone can’t perform any of the commands below as long as Google Now. To turn on the ‘Okay Google’ voice detection, go to your Settings > Google > Search & Now > Voice > “Okay Google detection”. You can also access those settings from your Google Now interface. Just swipe from the left side to bring in the menu and select Settings.

Now, make sure “From the Google app” is enabled. This enables you to use voice commands from your home screen. Note that you need to use the Google Now launcher. You can also enable “Always on”, which allows you to use “Okay Google…” even when your phone screen is off. This will use more battery juice, though. So if you’re already worried about battery life, better leave that off.

Now, let’s move on to all the awesome voice commands

To give you a good overview, we took the most important and funniest Google Now voice commands and put them in a “Google Now style”- infographic.

So, go ahead, say the magic words or tap the hell out of that microphone button and try them out yourself!
Infographic courtesy of trendblog.

General Voice Commands

“Say [where is the ATM kiosk] in [Australia]?”
“Who invented [the pajama]?”
“What is the meaning of [Irfan]?”
 “Stock price of [Twitter]”
“Post to Google+ [I'll not post anything today, except cool selfies]”

Notes and Reminders Commands

“Set alarm for [11 PM]” 
“Remind me to [pay bill] at [8 AM]”

Time and Date Voice Commands

“What time is it in [Karachi]?”
“When is the sunset [in New York City]”
”What is the time zone of [Brazil]”

Communication commands

“Call [Bill]”
“Send [email] to Anna, [Subject: Transaction], [Message: Thanks, I've got the money]”
“Send [SMS] to Mike mobile, [Don’t forget to buy cookies]”

Weather commands

Say “[Weather]”
“Is it going to rain [Saturday]”
“What’s the weather in [Florida]?”

Maps & Navigation

“Show me the nearby [Bar] on map”
“Navigate to [Changai] on car”
“How far is [Chao Phraya River] from [Wat Arun]?”

Conversions and Calculations Commands

“What is the tip for [200] dollars?”
“Convert [currency / weight / length ...] to [currency / weight / length ...]”
“How much is [28] times [96]?”
“What is [15] percent of [9680]?”

Sports Commands

“How are [Grays Athletic] doing?”
“When is the next [Los Angeles Lakers] game?”
“Did [Bayern Munich] win their last game?”

Flight Information

“Flight [Jet Airways]?”
“When will [AA 125] land / depart?”

Web Browsing Commands

“Go to [Mashable]?”
“Open [Social Media Examiner]”
“Show me [TechCrunch]”

Entertainment Commands

“Listen to / play [I'm with you] by [Avril Lavigne]?”
“YouTube [The most amazing videos]?”
“Who acted in [The avengers]?”
“When was [Iron Man 3] released?”

Easter Eggs

“Okay Jarvis, …” (Instead of “Okay Google, …”)
“What’s the loneliest number?”
Source :

If you know some other useful voice commands. Please share it in the comments!

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