You know The Microsoft Windows 10 installed base has set a new record by reaching 1.3 billion active users
The Computer Software Giant, Microsoft has never failed to set up its superiority over others. The Microsoft Windows shortly known as Windows which is a set of various families for graphical operating systems. Microsoft is the one who develop and markets these operating systems. The current Windows version that is Windows 10 has recently reached a new height as it successfully managed to host up to 1.3 billion Window 10 users.
This new milestone has been achieved at the time of ongoing pandemic when everything has shifted online, either it be something related to work or business or even education, everything is being done through online, this drastically increased the figure for people using services provided by Microsoft Windows. This showed that the pandemic situation came in handy for Microsoft in many ways which can also be seen in the recently released earning report. Last year Microsoft added 300 million new users for Windows 10 and in March 2020, they reached 1 billion and now it has been revealed that the figures have reached 1.3 billion users.
The financial results that were released for the 1st quarter that is March, showed that the sales number for Microsoft were ahead as compared to the figures estimated by the analysts. As according to these analysts, $41.03 Billion was estimated however the final financial results showed $41.7 Billion as generated revenue. The two main reasons behind these rock solid financial outcome were powered by Azure Cloud service and the famous Microsoft Office 365. According to Satya Nadella, the Chief Executive Officer of Microsoft, one year into this pandemic situation and the curve for digital adoption is not slowing down. It is going up and accelerating. She further added that the company is building the cloud for the upcoming decade and will be expanding their addressable market and will be bringing in more innovation in every layer of the technology stack so they can help their customers to withstand their transformation.
The work from home situation has played an important role to bring the users towards computing devices with larger screens. This demand caused a high consumer purchase possible. It is early to think what the future holds for Microsoft Windows once this Covid-19 situation end and the pandemic is left behind. However for Microsoft, it can be seen that the company will be doing its best to retain these numbers which can be done by introducing new Edge, a consumer driven feature for kids.