You know Instagram is working on its own Clubhouse clone audio-chat feature, where users will be able to listen in to the conversation

You know Instagram is working on its own Clubhouse clone audio-chat feature, where users will be able to listen in to the conversation

People spend most of their time on social media apps where they meet and chat with their friends. However, many social media apps are adopting another communication format i.e. audio-chat option. Twitter was one of the first platform that cloned the Clubhouse app an introduced its own version named as Spaces, which is an invitation-only service where users can listen to the conversation, interviews, and important discussions with other people. This is becoming a trend now for social media platforms. MI Talk (Xiaomi) and TikTok are already working on their own Clubhouse features. Many people are concerned about their privacy during the chat. However, in the Clubhouse app, conversations are end-to-end encrypted which means data or secret chat of people are converted into another secure form, or code so that the people who are invited only or have the access to secret key or password in encryption can read the message. This takes the privacy to the next level as many people around the globe think that their privacy is more important than their lives.

Facebook is known for copying trends of every rising social media platform. Therefore, this is now the turn of Facebook to bring the Clubhouse clone into its next update. So it will be much beneficial for the platform like Instagram to retain more audience who were trying to migrate to other social media apps. So it is very important to understand what the audience wants and follow the trend so that users don’t move to other apps. The Clubhouse is now worth more than $1 billion dollars, but Facebook is facing many privacy issues during integrating all its chat properties due to which many people tried to move to other social media platforms. Facebook must have to address these issues as soon as possible to gain the trust of people, therefore, Facebook has taken a rational step to test a Clubhouse clone for Instagram users, i.e. according to the tweet of Alessandro Paluzzi.

But, it may be possible that Facebook may unlike to get the approval of this service during the current situations where Facebook has many allegations regarding the privacy from the past few months. Paluzzi also noted that Instagram is testing end-to-end encrypted for chats. It is good to see Instagram will have end-to-end encryption to give its users a big reason to stay on its platform.