Did you know TikTok Starts Focusing on Food Videos With Recipe Cards

Did you know TikTok Starts Focusing on Food Videos With Recipe Cards

Any content streaming platform whether it is YouTube or TikTok is going to have to focus on integrating various kinds of context into the mix because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up making users want to stay on the site for a longer period of time than might have been the case otherwise. TikTok has tried to expand its horizons in this regard through a collaboration with the recipe app Whisk, and this update is actually quite exciting if you are in the cooking industry.

This new feature is going to involve recipe cards and the like. Basically what’s going to happen now is that if you end up seeing any kind of recipe video on the platform, you are also going to get some kind of a recipe card that would essentially allow you to read the recipe. This is great since it helps recipes and cooking videos become a bit more effective in the long run. Instead of just providing entertainment value they will have an actual functional purpose and this has the potential to turn TikTok into a hub for cooking based content in general.

Cooking and food based content is extremely popular on all kinds of video streaming platforms. TikTok has been seeing a meteoric rise but it needs to set itself apart as a serious content hub rather than the often surreal pieces of content that are distinctive and have ended up becoming what the platform is currently known for. A lot of users on the platform are certainly going to appreciate the fact that this content is available to them, and it might just spur a lot of new users to consider joining TikTok as well as bring more content creators into the mix who would be bringing their followings along with them.

 H/T: Matt Navarra.