Did you know YouTube sheds light on its Self-Certification program and also welcomes creators to pass their feedbacks on it

Did you know YouTube sheds light on its Self-Certification program and also welcomes creators to pass their feedbacks on it

YouTube’s self-certification system was announced in mid-2019 by its CEO Susan Wojcicki. The self-certification system allows YouTube to make monetizing decisions faster and more accurately avoiding any false positive demonetization. After almost two years, of asking creators to self-certify their videos, YouTube has now passed a thorough published guide as to how self-certify videos. This system allows the YouTuber to tell about their video and what elements it contains and the creator is then asked to fill out a questionnaire. The automated system then decides whether it will monetize the video or not.

If the video is said to be 100% safe, then they only have to fill out one question but if the case is the opposite then creators would have to indulge in more details as to why. The video then gets screened by YouTube after its upload. If the rating of the content creators doesn't change even a little, then the creator’s word for their video is considered true, but if it does then YouTube doesn't take their word to count.

When the self-certification system was first featured and announced. YouTubers got really stressed and it caused quite fuzz all around. The most in distress were the gaming creators. As they worried whether their simple enjoyable games would also be termed as violence, but YouTube then clarified these statements in November of 2019 at its first Gaming Creator Summit that no violence in video games will be termed as actual violence because these two have entirely different meanings. The other problems arising are still unclear and YouTube is trying to fix it.

Photo: Alexander Shatov / Unsplash

In the latest Creator Inside video, YouTube has released a full guide on Self-Certification and how it works mentioning various examples of abuse, sensitive topics, controversial issues and dangerous hateful acts that could lead with demonetizing a video. Guide contains different examples of what kind of content would be 100% ad safe. Conor, a member of YouTube’s monetizing team says that the manual will be making things safe and clear for both the creators and the users and that YouTube will actively take into consideration every feedback from the creators and will do its best to update their respective feedbacks.

Creator Inside is planning to issue a video series every week which will focus on separate sections from the Self-Certification manual for a better guide to the creators. This week Conor talked on the topic of offensive languages and words which may seem unfit for a huge chunk of users. Conor also said that changing the ways of profanity is necessary both online and in the real world welcoming the users to pass their feedbacks on the recent profanity guide.