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Did you know Twitter recently announced about its new newsletter startup acquisition and has already begun working on it

Did you know Twitter recently announced about its new newsletter startup acquisition and has already begun working on it

Twitter is a platform where people express themselves freely. They share their content with the world and start meaningful conversations. Twitter earlier this week announced about the acquisition of its new startup that is called Revue. Revue will serve as a platform and opportunity for writers or anyone for that matter to create and get paid for their newsletters, and that too for free! Revue is there to make it easy for anyone who would like to start and publish their own newsletters. It will give the audience something new to see on twitter and to read about the many different opinions on anything going on in the world

This new unison between Twitter and Revue would highly boost Twitter’s platform and will for sure engage more followers as usual. This could and probably will give the company countless advantages in the newsletters market that is already on a much competitive road. With Twitter’s already huge platform also taking up on newsletters, it is for sure to take the whole industry by storm.

Twitter not only announced about Revue earlier this week but it has also started working on it to bring it as soon on the table as possible. Jane Manchun Wong, a tech blogger who also uncovers features that are yet to be launched by apps also uncovered that twitter has already begun with the newsletters settings and is planning to merge it in with the rest of the options on the side bar navigation with other options on it like Twitter Ads, Bookmarks, Moments etc. She also revealed some of the early testing that showed that twitter will also put forward Revue benefits which will include composition, scheduling of the newsletters and then earning money from paid followers. All of this proves just as how much Revue into the Twitter platform will become a means for users to reach their goals. If someone would hop onto twitter right now they will just see a ‘find out more’ options that will take the users to the Revue website.

Twitter is also to drop a new bomb soon. It is planning to release a new audio product called Twitter Spaces that will also attract more newsletter subscribers through audio chats in Spaces.

This unison of Revue and Twitter is for sure to give writers a fresh new start and the opportunity to explore with their writing talents. Revue will prove to be fresh home for its writers and for other writers and authors to meet and connect with each other.

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A tech blog focused on blogging tips, SEO, social media, mobile gadgets, pc tips, how-to guides and general tips and tricks

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