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Did you know Apple’s latest ads revolve around recycling and privacy measures that the tech giant takes

Did you know Apple’s latest ads revolve around recycling and privacy measures that the tech giant takes

Apple has recently posted three short and less than 15-seconds long ad videos on the Apple UK YouTube channel. These ads are aligned carefully along with the timeline when the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) of 2021.

One of these ads focus on the Facial ID data, and Apple claims that users’ facial ID data remains encrypted and Apple also does not have anything to do with it or access it.

The second video is about Apple Pay. Apple claims in the video that each and every purchase remains completely secure and its information is all kept private.

The third video focuses on Apple’s ‘virtuous’ efforts to protect the planet and the environment. So, in the third ad, Apple says that the company recycles aluminum from iPhone production to manufacture Apple Watch cases. 

The CES 2021 started on 11th January and will continue till 14th January 2021. It is an online event this year owing to the COVID-19 security protocol. This annual event is a trade show that is organized by the Consumer Technology Association.

Apple came back to CES last year only after almost 28 years. A year before that, just when the CES event was around the corner, Apple had put up special hoardings and billboards in Las Vegas saying that whatever happens on your iPhone stays there only. It was a deliberate effort by Apple to emphasize how careful it is about the users’ privacy.

The whole of 2020 was rather tough for these giant tech companies like Apple, Facebook, Google, etc. as they faced numerous allegations and accusations around user privacy and data security concerns. So, it seems that Apple is trying to whitewash its image by emphasizing again and again how much it values and how serious the company is about its users’ privacy.

For that matter, an effort of introducing IDFA (Identity for Advertisers) changes in iOS 14 has already been garnering a lot of attention. Especially because of Facebook’s ‘cries and protests,’ the matter has already been in the news for a while now. This is also a strategy of Apple to make its users believe that they have more control and power over which app or site collects data from them or tracks them for personalized ad targeting.

So, all these measures plus the new ads now just ahead of the CSE event clearly indicate Apple’s efforts to come across as the ‘protector of users’ data and privacy.’ In a way, it is probably going to re-build a positive image of the company in the consumers’ minds, and that will inadvertently bring in more loyal customers for Apple.

Well played, Apple!

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A tech blog focused on blogging tips, SEO, social media, mobile gadgets, pc tips, how-to guides and general tips and tricks

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