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Did you know Android to welcome a new feature ‘App Pairs’ which will allow users to group two apps together

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Did you know Android to welcome a new feature ‘App Pairs’ which will allow users to group two apps together

It has been come to notice that the new version of the OS would allow the users to group two apps together. What use could possibly come out of this new feature? This new update will help the users to use to group two apps together and hence complete the task as one instead of using one app and then going to the second app to get the work done.

Google has developed a mobile operating system which is called Android. Google is always on the go into developing more features for the android which can become more useful for its consumers. There have been many versions of Android during the past years. The recent one i.e. Android 11 is the eleventh big release by Google. Previously, the Androids were named alphabetically based on deserts but this order stopped at the release on Android 10 hence this operating system was named Android 11.

Android 11 has many features which proves useful to its consumers. For example Android 11 allows the users to control all connected devices from one point, it helps navigating the phone using voice command, it provides more security and privacy, along with all of these features, it has been reported that Google is all set to welcome a fresh feature ‘App Pairs’, which will allow the users to group two apps at once. The details have not been released as of yet, but the hints are that the user can pick two apps to come together and do the assigned or wanted task as one. This can help the user into doing the tasks quickly and skipping the parts that increase work flow. This would prove to be more useful in devices like tablets.

New screenshots, as per 9to5G, showing how the feature would be used and executed and showing how a single task can be done by two apps on an Android phone.

This feature has also been applied by other manufactures in their own user interface designs. Samsung calls this App Pair feature as split screen feature with also requiring the need of use of Edge Panel. Users having Microsoft’s Surface Duo’s launcher can use the dual screen device to open two apps on the two screens. Both of these companies have features of more understanding and easy to use than the Android’s current system. It is more than likely that Google would mould this feature in with Android 12, its necessary that Android keeps up with this trend as big displays are slowly but gradually becoming a necessity.

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