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You know Beware Social Media Users! A New 'Change Facebook Color' Scam Is Making Rounds On Facebook To Steal Your Account Credentials

You know Beware Social Media Users! A New 'Change Facebook Color' Scam Is Making Rounds On Facebook To Steal Your Account Credentials

Different social media sites are coming up with many new features everyday making things easier for their users, specially during the ongoing covid-19 pandemic we saw these social media platforms come up with tools and creative features that helped greatly with the content creation and communication, not only that we saw these social media platforms be a huge helping hand to the people who desperately needed in this period but with all of these things we cannot ignore the fact that various forms of cybercrime activities has also been reported.

Various forms of cybercrime on the Internet have been seen in these recent years this includes using of fake email addresses or fake accounts on social media platforms to get personal information from users, misusing personal information, hacking in to different accounts, websites or computer networks, spreading hate and also committing frauds through different ways. Jane Manchun Wong is a name that is known to many in the tech space, she is a blogger who posts about apps reverse engineering related stuff every now and then, recently the app researcher tweeted that bad actors are trying to steal users account via a "Change Facebook Color" scam.

Facebook is a multinational tech giant company that is known to have such experiences in the past as well. Jane reported that a phishing scam is going on Facebook that is using her screenshots as some Facebook color change feature which is representing itself as something special and never seen before, this so called special feature is leading people to a fake login page that in turn is stealing the users' login details (mostly username and password). Though a real feature similar to this is also reported recently, the under-development feature includes unique, adaptive and attractive color backgrounds for your Facebook profile, but the color changing feature has not been officially released for public.

Unfortunately, Facebook's response to this incident was extremely lousy, upon Jane's request Facebook's support team reviewed the reported post and informed her that the post (promoting phishing links) doesn't go against Facebook Community Standards.

Being a responsible social media platform, Facebook should seriously look into this matter as such incidents can lead to huge grievances and can cause less tech-savvy people to lose a lot. But it appears the social network is preferring not to take action on phishers and scammers this time.

Meanwhile, users are advised to put their credentials only through Facebook's official login pages/website and stay away from scam/fraud campaigns (including websites and apps) that offer feature that can change Facebook app colors.

About the Author

A tech blog focused on blogging tips, SEO, social media, mobile gadgets, pc tips, how-to guides and general tips and tricks

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