مهندس يبتكر تصميم فندق طائر يعمل بالطاقة النووية، يسع لـ5 آلاف راكب ويستطيع البقاء في السماء لسنوات!

#شاب يمني يصمم فندقاً طائراً يعمل بالطاقة النووية ويبقى في الهواء إلى الأبد
كشف مصمم يمني عن تصميم لفندق طائر يعمـل بالطاقة النووية وبمقدوره استيعاب 5 آلاف شخص، ويضم العديد من المرافق الأساسية والترفيهية.
حيث أصبح الخيال العلمي شبه واقعي بفضل المصمم العربي هاشم الغيلي، فقد ظهر فيديو على الإنترنت في شكل مفهوم طائرة فندقية يمكن أن تحمل 5000 راكباً ولن تحتاج أبداً إلى الهبوط لعدة سنوات ولا حتى ستحتاج للوقود.
الفندق الطائر تمت تسميته باسم فندق سكاي كروز – Sky Cruise، وهو فندق طيران عملاق مستقبلي يعمل بالطاقة النووية.
ويملك وسائل الراحة الأساسية مثل صالة الألعاب الرياضية وحوض السباحة مع القدرة على نقل حوالي 5000 راكب.
و تم تصميم “سكاي كروز” مدعوما بالذكاء الاصطناعي.
والذي يحتوي على 20 محرك مدعوم بالاندماج النووي، بحيث لا يهبط على الأرض أبداً ويظل يحلق في السماء.
أما عن كيفية وصول النزلاء للفندق الطائر فسيتم نقل الركاب من خلال الطائرات التقليدية من وإلى Sky Cruise وحتى جميع الإصلاحات الجارية سيتم تنفيذها على متن الطائرة وهي محلقة
ونقلت صحيفة “نيويورك بوست” الأميركية عن هشام الغيلي قوله: “ستمثل الرحلات على مركبات تعمل بالطاقة النووية مستقبل النقل والسفر”.
ووفق “غيلي“ فإن الطائرة ستحتاج لطيارين بداية، ولكنها قد تستغني عنهم في المراحل اللاحقة.
لكن “سكاي كروز” ستظل تتطلب الكثير من الموظفين من أجل خدمة نزلاء الفندق الطائر الفاخر
ويحوي الفندق أيضا مطاعم ومركز تسوق عملاق في السماء، بالإضافة إلى صالات رياضية ومسارح وحتى حمام سباحة.
وتم اقتراح آلة الطيران العملاقة (الفندق الطائر ) أيضاً كمكان مثالي لإقامة حفلات الزفاف.
ومع ذلك، لا يتفق الجميع مع بعض المعلقين الذين وصفوا مفهوم سكاي كروز بأنه تيتانيك الجديد.
مشيرين إلى أن وجود مصاعد على السطح الخارجي للطائرة سيكون بعيداً عن الديناميكية الهوائية وأنه إذا تحطمت طائرة تعمل بواسطة مفاعل نووي، يمكن أن تدمر مدينة.
حيث قال أحد المعلقين: “فكرة رائعة وضع مفاعل نووي في شيء يمكن أن يتعطل ويسقط من السماء.”


اختصارات حرفيا هيغيروا استخدامك للـ VS Code

1. Ctrl + Shift + \
الاختصار دا لو انت واقف على فاتحة قوس هياخدك للقفلة بتاعته وطبعا دا مفيد جدا في حالة الـ Nesting
2. Ctrl+] / [
الاختصار دا هينسيك الـ Tab لو عايز تعمل Indent للسطر او تلغيه من أي مكان في السطر فدا الحل بدل بقا ما تروح لأول السطر عشان تعمل تاب أو شيفت تاب
3. Ctrl + G
هو انت لسه هتعمل سكرول للسطر اللي انت عايزه؟ يعمل اعمل الاختصار دا واكتب رقم السطر على طول ودوس انتر
4. Ctrl + P
هو انت بردو لسه هتقعد تدور على الملف اللي عايز تفتحه يعم بردو اعمل الاختصار دا واكتب اسمه على طول
5. Ctrl + D
الاختصار دا مهم جدا بيعملك تحديد لأول ما يطابق الكلمة اللي انت واقف عندها او الجزء اللي انت محدده وكل ما تضغط كل ما يحدد وبالتالي مثلا تقدر تغيرهم كلهم مرة واحدة
6. Ctrl + Shift + L
دا زي اللي قبله بس دا بقا بيحدد كل النتايج للجزء اللي انت محدده مرة واحدة يعني لو عايز تغير اسم variable مثلا وانت مستخدمه اكتر من مرة فدا منقذك
7. Ctrl+F2
دا بردو زي اللي قبله بس دا للكلمة اللي انت واقف عندها مش تحديد
8. Alt + ↑ / ↓
الاختصار دا يحركلك السطر اللي واقف عليه سطر فوق او سطر تحت
9. Shift + Alt + ↓ / ↑
الاختصار دا بيعملك نسخة من السطر اللي واقف عليه فوقه او تحته
10. Ctrl + Enter
الاختصار دا بيعملك سطر جديد تحت السطر اللي انت واقف عليه
11. F12
لو عندك function او class او اي حاجة ومستخدمه مثلا في مكان معين وعايز ترجعله على طول تعدل فيه اعمل بس الاختصار دا وهو هيوديك ع المكان اللي عرفت فيه الـ function ولو العكس هيجبلك انت مستخدم الـ function دي فين
12. Ctrl + Shift + `
هيفتحلك نافذة تيرمينال جديدة
13. Ctrl + B
هيظهر او يخفي الـ side bar
14. F3 / Shift+F3
هيعمل بحث سريع ع الكلمة اللي انت عندها ويجيبلك النتايج قبلها او بعدها
15. Ctrl+ L
بيحدد السطر اللي انت واقف عنده


أفـضـل إضـافـات VS Code

أصبح محرر الأكواد VS Code من أشهر المحررات استخداماً بين المطورين، فهو محرر مجاني ومتعدد المنصات قامت بتطويره شركة Microsoft.

إليكم بعض أفضل الإضافات التي بإمكانك إضافتها لمحرر الأكواد هذا:

1. إضافة : Settings Sync
يُعد Settings Sync واحدًا من أفضل البرامج التي يجب أن يمتلكها كل مستخدم ويجب أن يكون له امتداد VS Code. السبب في ذلك هو أن Settings Sync ستقوم بمزامنة جميع إعدادات VS Code الخاصة بك، وربط المفاتيح، والقوالب، وقائمة اللواحق مع GitHub. هذا يُلغي الحاجة إلى إعادة تثبيت كافة الملحقات والثيمات وإعادة تكوينها في كل مرة تقوم فيها بتثبيت VS Code أو عند استخدام VS Code على أنظمة متعددة.
أفضل شيء عن Settings Sync هو أنه من السهل جدا للاستخدام. في الواقع، بعد ربطه بـ GitHub، يمكنك تحميل أو مزامنة الإعدادات باستخدام اختصار لوحة مفاتيح واحد فقط. إذا لزم الأمر، يمكنك تهيئته لتحميل أو تنزيل الإعدادات تلقائيًا.
2. إضافة : Live Server
إذا كنت من مطوري الويب أو مجرد شخص يعمل مع تقنيات الويب مثل CSS، و JavaScript، و PHP، و HTML، وما إلى ذلك، فستكون خدمة Live Server ضرورية بالنسبة لك.
ما يفعله Live Server هو أنه سيقوم بإنشاء خادم محلي داخل VS Code ويتيح لك فتح صفحات التطوير بنقرتين فقط في أي متصفح من اختيارك. لا حاجة للذهاب يدويا إلى موقع الملف وفتحه من هناك. ناهيك، عندما يكون Live Server نشطاً وعاملاً، ستتم إعادة تحميل الصفحة تلقائياً في كل مرة تقوم فيها بحفظ المستند. لذلك، إذا كنت من مطوري الويب، فأنصحك أن تجرّبها.
3. Open in Browser
كما يمكنك أن تعرف من الاسم نفسه، يسمح لك إضافة Open in Browser بفتح أي ملفات مدعومة في المتصفح الافتراضي أو في المتصفح الذي تختاره بنقرة واحدة. على الرغم من أنها ليست قوية أو غنية كامتداد Live Server، إلا أن Open in Browser يساعدك على معاينة مستند الويب بسرعة دون إنشاء مثيل للخادم في الخلفية. كما أنه خفيف الحجم إلى حد ما ويفعل ما ستفعله دون حدوث أي خلل.
4. Prettier
كما يوحي الاسم، يجعل Prettier الشفرة تبدو جميلة ويحسن إمكانية القراءة عن طريق تنسيقها بشكل صحيح وفقاً للمعايير الرسمية ومعايير الصناعة. بعد تثبيت الإضافة، يمكنك إمّا تهيئة الرمز الخاص بك عن طريق الضغط على اختصار لوحة المفاتيح أو تهيئة


Did you know New Data shows for the month of April, Google Chrome is the only web browser that hasn’t observed a major drop in its market share

Mozilla Firefox used be our go-to web browser for a really long time. It was released in September of 2002 and people who used the internet went to this web browser for their daily surfing. Google released its own web browser called the Google Chrome in 2008, and since then there has been no looking back for this browser as the success it was able to achieve in a really short amount of time is something which hasn’t yet been observed from any other browser. Microsoft released its web browser called Microsoft Edge in 2015 for Windows 10, in 2017 for Android and IOS devices and for macOS in 2019. Then finally it was released as a preview for Linux in October of 2020.

If there is any browser that was able to compete up to Google Chrome, then it has to be Microsoft Edge. Mozilla Firefox lost its thunder soon as Google Chrome started to rise, even though Firefox was used by many users worldwide, the web browser wasn’t able to come to Google Chromes level. Microsoft Edge too started off with a bang giving a tough competition to Google Chrome, but according to recent reports, Microsoft Edge and Mozilla Firefox are losing their market share, and Google Chrome is apparently having a major increase in its market shares. Google Chrome has never for once taken a break, the browser has always come up with new and innovative features that attracts majority of the users online. Hence the ever increasing results always.

StatCounter published the market share data for the month of April of this year. According to the data it can be seen that Google Chrome is a browser that hasn’t dropped a single percent in its market share, the web browser had around 67.55 percent of desktop browser market share, an increase from 67.14 percent which the browser observed in March 2021. Edge saw decrease with 8.03 percent in March, the market share dropped to 7.96 percent in April, and Firefox went from 7.95 percent in March to 7.78 percent. Safari which is the web browser made specifically for macOS, dropped from 10.11 percent in March to 9.85 percent in April.

Safari remains the second most used browser followed by Microsoft Edge as the third most used browser. The data shows how much Google Chrome represents the market share and this speaks high volumes as to the user experience which Google Chrome is able to bring for its users.

Did you know Twitter is rolling out its new “Tip Jar” feature that will allow users to donate to their favorite influencers, but for now only a few accounts are able to receive money

Twitter is one of the biggest micro-blogging platforms in the world where many users can also run their business, learn something, and create content for others. This could be great news for the content creators that Twitter has officially introduced the next stage of its creator’s payment program in the form of a new feature “Tip Jar” in which users will be able to send money or donate to their favorite influencers as a mean to support their efforts that they put in while making the content. However, only a few accounts are able yet to receive the money from the users, but the users who are using this platform in the English language can now send their funds to their favorite accounts.

Twitter decided to test this feature in favor of creators because they were linking their PayPal accounts and adding $Cashtags and Venmo handles with their profile so that people support them financially. The idea is beyond just becoming a follower or tweeting or liking their accounts. Other platforms like YouTube have also this feature in which the subscribers can donate the creators through Super Chat while they are live streaming, and this is the best idea to support their work. Many youngsters are getting inspiration to create their own content, especially during the quarantine situation.

This feature will be rolled out on mobile apps of Android and iOS devices and this will be easy to use. In the beginning, only a selected group including creators, journalists, and non-profits can turn on the Tip Jar feature to accept the donations from the users. To turn this feature on, you can go to the option of Edit Profile on Twitter for iOS and Android app, then click the Tip Jar feature, and then go to the setting, tap on the allow tips on and then select the third-party service that you would like to get. But one thing you must keep in mind that when you try to add a third-party payment service to your profile, your username on that service will be publicly connected to the account of Twitter.

There are some issues that are highlighted by Rachel Tobac that sending funds through PayPal using the feature of Tip jar currently permits whoever is sending the money to see the recipient’s address, which is fretting security issue that PayPal and Twitter will solve soon. The support center of Twitter accepted the issue and tweeted that it was updating our tipping prompt and Help center to make it transparent that other apps may share information between people sending or receiving the funds are as per the terms.

Did you know Shorts to Be Launched Fully in The US Region After It Shows a Great Positive Response

With the massive success and popularity TikTok has gotten forced other applications to launch a similar feature on their applications and then Instagram came up with its Reels while YouTube started testing its own version called Shorts.

Shorts on YouTube are small 60 seconds video that can be uploaded by any channel and while the feature was previously only available in India with a specific camera option for shorts on the application along with a few selected creators in the US as well. However, the popularity of shorts has increased because looking at a data from YouTube it was revealed that Shorts were generating 6.5 billion daily views, a substantial uptick over the 3.5 billion daily views that the feature was generating in late January.

Looking at this data, YouTube realizes that their version of Shorts is doing impeccably well and therefore the company has announced through its Creator Insider channel that TikTok competitor Shorts will roll out to all creators in the U.S. as of next week.

Though previously any user could upload a short traditional vertical videos that were less than 60 seconds long, regardless of having the full feature like Indian creators the few creators in US just by using the hashtag #Shorts in the titles or description boxes the full feature does have its own advantages.

The full roll out in the entire US Region means that the creators will have a complete access to the vertical camera along with a full suite of proprietary editing tools.

Apart from this, YouTube has also announced some new tools in its Shorts feature which will be launching really soon. These include the ability to record for 60 seconds though there are speculations that if you record a video with music from the YouTube library the recording will be capped at 15 seconds, though how true is this will only be confirmed once this feature is launched. Apart from this, color-correcting filters that will live both within the recording and editing screens; and auto-generated or self-supplied, manual captions are also being launched.

The company in order to make Shorts more discoverable and easy to be accessed by the users is also bringing along changes in the mobile app of YT where a new “Shorts” tab will be added at the bottom of its mobile home screen alongside ‘Home’, the create button, ‘Subscriptions’, and ‘Library’ as well as Shorts will replace the ‘Explore’ tab, YouTube says, which will now appear as the first bubbled topic at the top of the home feed.

The company says that they will help users in getting to know about the changes made in their app and getting used to it through in app notification every week.

Shorts have proven to be a great feature for YouTube and the company has a lot of expectations from it. We cannot wait to see when the tech giant will launch this feature globally.

You know Facebook Launches Some Really Cool New Features for Messenger and Instagram

Facebook has a couple of applications under its umbrella and the company makes sure to do justice to every single one them by introducing new tools and features and bringing about new updates. The tech giant has a huge following and it understands that people rely on its resources for a variety of purposes online and therefore makes sure to work hard in their maintenance.

Recently, news has popped in that Facebook in introducing several new features for two of its main applications, precisely known as Instagram and Messenger. While the list of new features is a little long one of the main features among them has to be the new addition of the seen states on Instagram. This new feature allows user to check the progress of their messages that whether or not the person you have sent the message has viewed your text or not by just taking a look at your DM inbox.

 The next very useful feature is coming in Messenger where users will now have the ease to archive chats by just a swipe. Previously in order to archive you had to tap on a few options but now the company gives you the accessibility to just swipe left to archive your chat box. At the same time, Facebook has made it easier for you to search your archived chat. Now you can find your archive chats in a menu item which you can access by tapping on your profile photo unlike before where you had to search the name of the person to make their chat re appear. 

 The next feature the tech giant will be introducing is inspired by the new talk of town application called Clubhouse. Facebook will now allow users on Messenger to just tap on the record button once to record a voice memo instead of keeping it pressed until you end the audio like you used to do previously. Currently this option is available for Messenger only but will soon make its way through Instagram. However, while you wait for this feature to appear on Instagram you can use the new feature that is appearing on Instagram currently.

The tech giant has allowed users on Instagram to reply to photos and videos with their own images and clips. Replying to a video or photos with your own clips means that users can swipe on a message and reply to it by highlighting the message letting the person you are talking to know which message you are replying to. This feature is currently available for iOS but will soon make its way on Android.

Apart from this, new camera stickers celebrating Asian Pacific American Heritage Month.

Facebook has also added new chat themes for both Messenger and Instagram. The first theme is for all the Star Wars fans while the other one is in accordance with the second season of Netflix's Selena Quintanilla biopic. Both feature light and dark themes, and you switch over to them by digging into your chat settings.

All these features look amazing and if they have hit your screens already, good for you. If not, try updating your apps.

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